Wait, what?

Hi. This is my flight panel hardware, which (because I'm super creative) I call Flightpanel. It's entirely Open Source (including the hardware and all software and firmware), and you can take a look at everything at GitHub. The purpose of it is to have a nice way of controlling the radio panel, radio communication frequencies (COM), VOR selection and their respective OBS (NAV), ADF, to have a nice DME display and to control the autopilot, transponder and lights of a (virtual) airplane with some custom hardware.


On request, here's some early images of the Flightpanel.

Front view:

Rear view:



Multiplexers (1 x 74HC595 output cascade and 2 x 74HC166 cascades):

Behind the front:

Front running display test (photo with flash):

Front running display test (no flash):